
Brain Workout – Improve Memory and concentration

“Alexa start Brain Workout”.


My Memory Palace – Create a list of what you need to remember.

“Alexa open My Memory Palace”.

“Alexa start My Memory Palace”.


Amazon routines allow you to perform several skills at one time with command. For instance, you are going to bed and you tell Alexa to turn off the light and play rain sounds for 30 minutes. These three commands can be performed by simply saying ”Alexa I am going to bed “ with routines. In other words, it’s a shortcut for interacting with Alexa. You have always been able to create Routines. Amazon has now created a way for developers and you to create routines and exchange them with other Alexa users. This change and Amazon’s desire to produce more services for older adults on Alexa make this a big deal.

Featured Routines are a way to learn how to create routines. After selecting a useful Routine, a template walks you through setting it up.

Enable a Featured Routine

“Alexa, enable the {name} Routine”.

Routine will wish you good night and play sleep sounds.

Example: Alexa enable the Good Night Routine


Featured Routines are a way to learn how to create routines. After selecting a useful Routine, a template walks you through setting it up.

Set up a Featured Routine

  1. Open the Alexa app
  2. Select More icon
  3. Select Routines from the menu
  4. Select Gallery
  5. Tap the topic you are interested in under the heading of Featured
  6. Select a Routine
  7. Modify the Routine to meet your preferences
  8. Tap and enable

Creating a Routine

  1. Open the Alexa app
  2. Select More icon
  3. Tap Routines
  4. Tap the Plus icon in the top-right corner.
  5. Name your Routine
  6. Tap Next
  7. Choose what will trigger the Routine. A trigger tells Alexa when the Routine will start to run.
  8. Tap Next.
  9. Choose the actions for the Routine.  There are 30 different categories of actions you can add to a Routine
  10. Tap Next
  11. Choose which Echo device the Routine will run from. Sounds, music, announcement or voice inputs and outputs are specific to a device.
  12. Tap Save

The Routine name will appear in the list of Routines.

Routine Controls

Routines are controlled from the list of Routines. Routines can be changed, disabled, or manually started by tapping the Play button next to the Routine.

To create multiple Routines with the same actions, but different a trigger or devices.

  1. Open the Alexa app
  2. Select More icon
  3. Tap Routines
  4. Select the Routine being copied for change from the list of Routines
  5. Tap the three-dot menu button at top of screen
  6. Select Copy Actions to New Routine
  7. Follow directions on the screen
  8. Tap Save